Authorization Requirements for the Disclosure of Protected Health Information. Appendix A: Sample Authorization Form - 2013-11-01 practice brief
Automated Coding Workflow and CAC Practice Guidance (2013 update) - 2013-11-01 practice brief
Clinical Documentation Guidance for ICD-10-CM/PCS - Retired - 2014-07-01 practice brief
Data Quality Management Model (2015 Update) - Retired - 2015-10-01 practice brief
Defining the Basics of Health Informatics for HIM Professionals - Retired - 2014-09-01 practice brief
Documentation and Coding Practices for Risk Adjustment and Hierarchical Condition Categories - 2018-06-01 practice brief
E- Discovery Litigation and Regulatory Investigation Response Planning: Crucial Components of Your Organization’s Information and Data Governance Processes - 2013-11-01 practice brief
Electronic Documentation Templates Support ICD-10-CM/PCS Implementation (2015 update) - 2015-06-01 practice brief
Electronic Health Record Adoption in Long Term Care (2014 update) - 2014-11-01 practice brief
Electronic Signature Attestation and Authorship- Updated - Retired - 2013-10-01 practice brief
Electronic Signature, Attestation, and Authorship. Appendix B: Laws, Regulations, and Electronic Signature Acts (2013 update) - 2013-10-01 practice brief
Electronic Signature, Attestation, and Authorship. Appendix C: Electronic Signature Model Policy (2013 update) - 2013-10-01 practice brief
Enabling Consumer and Patient Engagement with Health Information - Retired - 2014-02-01 practice brief
Evolving the PPE to Meet Changing HIM Workforce Needs - 2014-01-01 practice brief
HIPAA Security Overview - Retired - 2013-11-01 practice brief
Improved Patient Engagement for LGBT Populations: Addressing Factors Related to Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity for Effective Health Information Management - 2017-03-01 practice brief
Information Security—An Overview (2014 update) - 2014-01-01 practice brief
Integrity of the Healthcare Record: Best Practices for EHR Documentation (2013 update) - 2013-08-01 practice brief
Laws and Regulations Governing the Disclosure of Health Information (2014 update) - 2014-01-01 practice brief
Managing a Patient’s Right to Request Restrictions of Disclosures to Health Plans - 2014-04-01 practice brief
Managing Amendments in an HIE Environment. Appendix A Checklist: Questions to Consider Before Participating in an HIE - 2018-01-01 practice brief
Managing Amendments in an HIE Environment. Appendix B AHIMA Sample Patient Request to Amend the Health Record - 2017-12-01 practice brief
Managing Amendments in an HIE Environment. Appendix C AHIMA Sample Patient Statement of Disagreement - 2017-12-01 practice brief
Managing the Integrity of Patient Identity in Health Information Exchange (2014 update) - 2014-05-01 practice brief
Measuring the Value of the Clinical Documentation Improvement Practitioner (CDIP) Credential - Retired - 2015-01-01 practice brief
Navigating a Compliant Breach Management Process - 2014-06-01 practice brief
Notice of Privacy Practices (2013 update) - 2013-10-01 practice brief
Patient Access and Amendment to Health Records (2013 update) - 2013-10-01 practice brief
Performing a Breach Risk Assessment - Retired - 2013-09-01 practice brief
Practice Brief: A Summary of the AHIMA CDI and Coding Collaboration in Denials Management Toolkit - 2018-03-01 practice brief
Privacy and Security Audits of Electronic Health Information (2014 update) - 2014-03-01 practice brief
Privacy and Security Training (2013 update) - Retired - 2013-10-01 practice brief
Putting the ICD-10-CM/PCS GEMs into Practice (2016 update) - Retired - 2016-01-01 practice brief
Recruitment, Selection, and Orientation for CDI Specialists - 2013-07-01 practice brief
Redisclosure of Patient Health Information (2013 update) - 2013-11-01 practice brief
Regulations Governing Research (2013 update) - Retired - 2013-05-01 practice brief
Release of Information for Marketing or Fund-raising Purposes (2013 update) - Retired - 2013-08-01 practice brief
Retention and Destruction of Health Information - 2013-10-01 practice brief
Sanction Guidelines for Privacy and Security Violations (2013 update) - Retired - 2013-10-01 practice brief
Securing Wireless Technology for Healthcare (2013 update) - Retired - 2013-11-01 practice brief
Security Risk Analysis and Management: An Overview (2013 update) - 2013-11-01 practice brief
Speech Recognition in the Electronic Health Record (2013 update) - 2013-09-01 practice brief
Telemedicine Services and the Health Record (2013 update) - 2013-05-01 practice brief
The 10 Security Domains (Updated 2013) - Retired - 2013-10-01 practice brief
Transitioning to ICD-10-CM/PCS in the Classroom: Countdown to Implementation - Retired - 2014-09-01 practice brief
Understanding Governmental Audits (2013 update) - 2013-11-01 practice brief
Climbing Higher: Bridging the Gap to Advanced Degrees in HIM - 2012-08-01 practice brief
Consumer-Facing Health Information Practices - Retired - 2012-09-01 practice brief
EHR Adoption in LTC and the HIM Value - Retired - 2011-01-01 practice brief
EHR Adoption in LTC and the HIM Value. Appendix A: HIM’s Role and Functions in LTC - 2011-01-01 practice brief
EHR Adoption in LTC and the HIM Value. Appendix B: Vendor Questionnaire for EHR System Selection - 2011-01-01 practice brief
EHR Adoption in LTC and the HIM Value. Appendix C: The HIM Professional as Privacy Officer in LTC - 2011-01-01 practice brief
EHR Adoption in LTC and the HIM Value. Appendix D: The HIM Professional as a Compliance Officer in LTC - 2011-01-01 practice brief
EHRs as the Business and Legal Records of Healthcare Organizations (2010 update) - 2010-11-01 practice brief
EHRs as the Business and Legal Records of Healthcare Organizations. Appendix A: Issues in Electronic Health Record Management (2010 update) - 2010-11-01 practice brief
EHRs as the Business and Legal Records of Healthcare Organizations. Appendix B: Checklist for Transition to the EHR (2010 update) - 2010-11-01 practice brief
Fundamentals of the Legal Health Record and Designated Record Set - 2011-02-01 practice brief
Handling Complaints and Mitigation (Updated) - Retired - 2010-06-01 practice brief
HIE Management and Operational Considerations - 2011-05-01 practice brief
HIM Functions in Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety - 2011-08-01 practice brief
HIM Functions in Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety. Appendix A: Patient Safety and Quality Opportunities for HIM-IT Collaboration - 2011-08-01 practice brief
HIM Functions in Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety. Appendix B: HIM’s Role in Data Governance - 2011-08-01 practice brief
HIM Functions in Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety. Appendix C: HIM’s Role in Data Capture, Validation, and Maintenance - 2011-08-01 practice brief
HIM Functions in Healthcare Quality and Patient Safety. Appendix D: Suggestions for Further Reading - 2011-08-01 practice brief
Homeland Security Act, Patriot Act, Freedom of Information Act, and HIM - Retired - 2010-11-01 practice brief
ICD-9-CM Coding Guidance for LTC Facilities - Retired - 2010-10-01 practice brief
ICD-9-CM Coding Guidance for LTC Facilities. Appendix A: Planning for the ICD-10-CM Transition for LTC Facilities - 2010-10-01 practice brief
ICD-9-CM Coding Guidance for LTC Facilities. Appendix B: Reporting and Sequencing Diagnoses on the Health Record and UB-04 Claim Form - 2010-10-01 practice brief
ICD-9-CM Coding Guidance for LTC Facilities. Appendix C: Regulatory Guidance for Reporting Diagnoses Related to Reimbursement - 2010-10-01 practice brief
Identifying Issues in Facility and Provider Mergers and Acquisitions (2012 update) - 2012-02-01 practice brief
Identifying Issues in Facility and Provider Mergers and Acquisitions. Appendix A: Information Management Checklist for Mergers and Acquisitions - 2012-02-01 practice brief
Identifying Issues in Facility and Provider Mergers and Acquisitions. Appendix B: HIM Worklist: Setting Up a New Clinic - 2012-02-01 practice brief
Limiting the Use of the Social Security Number in Healthcare - 2011-06-01 practice brief
Limiting the Use of the Social Security Number in Healthcare. Appendix A: Chronological Order of SSN Legislation - 2011-06-01 practice brief
Limiting the Use of the Social Security Number in Healthcare. Appendix B: Federal Legislation Restricting SSN Use - 2011-06-01 practice brief
Limiting the Use of the Social Security Number in Healthcare. Appendix C: State Legislation Restricting SSN Use - 2011-06-01 practice brief
Management Practices for the Release of Information (2012 update) - 2012-02-01 practice brief
Managing Copy Functionality and Information Integrity in the EHR - Retired - 2012-03-01 practice brief
Migrating from Paper to EHRs in Physician Practices - Retired - 2010-11-01 practice brief
Migrating from Paper to EHRs in Physician Practices. Appendix A: Historical Medical Record/Chart Abstraction Checklist—Primary Care - 2010-11-01 practice brief
Mobile Device Security (Updated) - Retired - 2012-04-01 practice brief
Problem List Guidance in the EHR - 2011-09-01 practice brief
Problem List Guidance in the EHR. Appendix A: Sample Policy and Procedure Template - 2011-09-01 practice brief
Protecting Patient Information after a Facility Closure (2011 update) - 2011-08-01 practice brief
Protecting Patient Information after a Facility Closure. Appendix A: Sample Notice When Records Will Be Transferred to Another Healthcare Provider (2011 update) - 2011-08-01 practice brief
Protecting Patient Information after a Facility Closure. Appendix B: Sample Notice When Records Will Be Transferred to a Storage Facility (2011 update) - 2011-08-01 practice brief
Protecting Patient Information after a Facility Closure. Appendix C: States with Laws, Regulations, or Guidelines Pertaining to Facility Closure - 2011-08-01 practice brief
Protecting Patient Information after a Facility Closure. Appendix D: Health Information Management Checklist for Acquisitions and Closures (2011 update) - 2011-08-01 practice brief
Protecting Patient Information after a Facility Closure. Appendix E: Sample Certificate of Destruction (2011 update) - 2011-08-01 practice brief
Role of the Personal Health Record in the EHR (2010 update) - Retired - 2010-11-01 practice brief
Rules for Handling and Maintaining Metadata in the EHR - 2013-05-01 practice brief
The Privacy and Security of Occupational Health Records - 2013-04-01 practice brief
Understanding the HIE Landscape - 2013-01-01 practice brief
Using Medical Scribes in a Physician Practice - 2012-11-01 practice brief
Verbal/Telephone Order Authentication and Time Frames (2012 update) - 2012-08-01 practice brief
Key Points of the UB-04 (2010 update) - 2010-04-01 practice brief
Legal Process and Electronic Health Records - 2005-10-01 practice brief
Litigation Response Planning and Policies for E-Discovery - 2008-02-01 practice brief
Management Practices for the Release of Information - 2008-11-01 practice brief
Managing the Integrity of Patient Identity in Health Information Exchange (2009) - 2009-07-01 practice brief
Provider-Patient E-Mail Security (2003 update) - 2003-06-01 practice brief
Why Information Governance Means Real Return on Investment - Retired - 2016-01-01 practice brief