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Resolution on Diversity

Submitted by Diversity CoP members: Dwayne M. Lewis, RHIT, CCS, Vera Rulon, RHIT, CCS, Stacie L. Buck, RHIA, CCS-P, LHRM, RCC

Supported by the Board of Directors


This resolution is intended to advance the commitment by AHIMA to a culture that respects diversity throughout its organization, the federation and the HIM profession at large. To achieve this end, this resolution calls upon AHIMA and its affiliates to reaffirm:

  • The inclusiveness of membership within AHIMA and the availability of opportunities for all.
  • The adoption of meaningful, actionable and durable diversity practices to expand the real opportunities available to all HIM professionals, including opportunities to fully participate in AHIMA.
  • Engaging the AHIMA community in advancing the goals of enhanced professional opportunities for all and improved value of the membership experience.
  • The respect of individual sensibilities, personal beliefs, differences, and privacy and other rights of all HIM professionals and AHIMA members.
  • Monitoring the impact of these practices to improve and strengthen them over time.


Whereas, human diversity can be defined as differences in race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical capabilities, and religious beliefs;

Whereas, vast professional diversity exists within the expansive domains of HIM practice;

Whereas, all humans are possessed with unique, rich cultural histories, backgrounds and personal experiences deserving of universal respect and acceptance;

Whereas, the student population of AHIMA promises greater future diversity in AHIMA membership;

Whereas, it is believed that greater diversity enriches and adds value to AHIMA membership, the HIM practice experience, and the innovation and creativity of AHIMA;

Whereas, the AHIMA Code of Ethics clearly states that the "inherent dignity and worth of every person" should be respected.

Therefore, let it be:

Resolved, That Board of Directors of AHIMA will examine and update as necessary the standing Diversity Program continuing to enable and encourage participation by national and state leaders of AHIMA and its membership.

Resolved, That the AHIMA Diversity Program will serve as an effective means for promoting a culture of diversity and expanding professional opportunities for all and volunteer leadership opportunities in the AHIMA and its affiliated organizations.

Resolved, That Component State Associations affiliated with AHIMA should be encouraged to adapt and implement the AHIMA Diversity Program practices to better serve their members.

Resolved, That the AHIMA Foundation of Research and Education should evaluate on an ongoing basis the scholarship opportunities for students of personal or professional characteristics currently underrepresented in the HIM profession and the faculty that teach them and seek additional funding where needed.

Approved by the 2007-08 House of Delegates - September 24, 2007

Reference: 2006 AHIMA Volunteer Diversity Analysis, AHIMA Business Development Team, July 2006